Women's Health

EmpowerRF by InMode is the most advanced multifunctional platform delivering excellent women's wellness therapies.

The Empower RF system provides neuromuscular re-education for weak pelvic floor muscles, relief from stress, urge, mixed urinary incontinence and pain.

The Empower RF system provides neuromuscular re-education for weak pelvic floor muscles, relief from stress, urge, mixed urinary incontinence and pain.

Stress, urge and mixed urinary incontinence
Vaginal laxity
Pelvic floor weakness
Decreased sexual pleasure and vaginal sensation
Vaginal dryness
Painful intercourse
Interstitial cystitis
Bladder pain/ chronic bladder inflammation
Episiotomy scar or obstetrical tear pain
Vulvar, labial laxity
Sexual pain associated with enlarged labia
Aesthetic Appearance
Chronic vulvar tract infections (UTI) bladder infection

Give us a call to set up a consultation to see how the Empower RF can help you with all of your women's wellness needs.

Prices vary on the specific treatment required to meet your goals. Series of three treatments recommended for best results.
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